§ About me

I am a PhD physics student at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. I’m currently part of the quantum photonics group. My current research interests around quantum simulation applications on cloud-based quantum computers and experimental quantum photonics for quantum communication use cases.

In 2016, I enrolled at Stellenbosch University studying towards a Bachelor of Science degree, which I would obtained in 2018. I completed my Honours degree at the aforementioned university in 2019. At the beginning of 2022, I finished my Masters education at Stellenbosch University, and joined IBM Research Africa as a research intern in 2022.

Aside from physics research, although not entirely orthogonal, my other interests include programming, software development, philosophy and history. I also enjoy acquiring more books than I will ever manage to read (you can see the ones that I have been read here), and being outdoors (skateboarding, football, and going on walks).

CV (Last updated 15/02/2023)

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§ In the press